In this post we will explain what PRP actually is, the various PRP treatments available from Dr. S, the range of physical ailments and conditions PRP can be used to treat, and answer the following questions:
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Be sure to download your free e-book that you can use as a reference in your research to see if PRP is right for you: Everything You Need to Know About Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: Regenerate Your Cells Where YOU Need It Most!
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentrated preparation of platelets and the associated growth factors (we’ll explain growth factors below) in a small volume of plasma, all collected from one individual.
PRP is a portion of the patient’s blood with the highest concentration of platelets. This procedure has limited side effects because we use the patient’s own blood.
PRP injections have been used since the early 90’s in plastic and orthopedic surgery as well as in maxillo-facial surgery.
Platelets play an important role in soft tissue and wound healing. PRP therapy uses this rich platelet portion of your blood to promote healing of ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles, skin and more.
Dr. S holds a vial of concentrated PRP just after centrifugation. Because platelets (monocytes and growth factors) are sticky, they get stuck to the bottom of the vial. We use a swirling technique to reconstitute them in the plasma, which is the yellow fluid surrounding the platelets. Those of us aligned with regenerative medicine often call this “liquid gold.”
Platelets release growth factors which regulate the healing cascade by signaling to surrounding cells to repair damaged tissue and regenerate new tissue.
Growth factors initiate various types of wound healing such as chemotaxis, migration, mitosis, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. The factors may also be synthesized wound cells during later stages of healing and act locally to regulate healing.
PRP is prepared in 3 steps:
PRP development via centrifugation can be used in the office setting as well as the operating room.
However, the centrifuge process must be sterile and precisely suited to platelet separation from red blood cells and their sequestration in high concentrations.
Therefore, not all currently marketed PRP devices are equal. Some do not concentrate viably active platelets in numbers high enough to produce a healing enhancement. This disparity in PRP quality explains most of the criticisms regarding the efficacy of PRP.
Always educate yourself prior to receiving any treatment: ask what devices the doctor is using and ask about FDA-approval.
A medical history of metastatic conditions like cancer or disease is one of the most important PRP injection contraindications. Patients with these conditions might have blood that is infected with cancer cells. This factor is especially true for patients that have hematopoietic cancer or cancer of the bone marrow. For this reason, their blood cannot be used for PRP therapy.
If we feel a patient is not a good candidate, we will make other recommendations or work with them to change their circumstances to become a good candidate via lifestyle, diet and nutrient supplementation.
There are no quick fixes! In chronic illness, if we don’t also focus on healing what initially created the injury or trauma, there is a higher rate of symptom return with less favorable results.
Total lifestyle changes are less necessary in cases of using PRP therapy to heal acute injury.
Everything requires a support system and having proper protocols, preparation, and post-care in place for the best possible outcome.
Dr. S offers PRP treatments in conjunction with skincare services, orthopedic treatments, and sexual health treatments:
The first category of services offered by Dr. S is Skincare. We utilize safe, proven, cutting-edge PRP treatments to improve your skin’s health, vitality, and general appearance.
You will see immediate improvements to skin texture, color consistency and overall vibrancy. Over time, results increase as new tissue collagen synthesis begins to take place.
For skincare treatments, we usually recommend 1-3 treatments depending on the age, quality of skin and other determining factors, and annual maintenance following the protocol.
For hair restoration – hair loss, thinning hair, alopecia, and balding – we recommend at least 3 treatments, depending on severity.
Before & after of platelet-rich plasma therapy treatment for women’s hair loss: Post 3 PRP treatments at 3 months (1 treatment per month)
PRP is a medical treatment used to heal a variety of health concerns from skin aging to joint pain. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that Dr. S combines with PRP to compound the benefits of both. The Vampire Facial is a Canadian brand of trademarked PRP facial. Dr. S does not currently offer stem cell treatments.
PRP is a medical treatment that can be used for skin and hair issues, inflammatory joint conditions, and sexual health issues. Dr. S offers PRP in conjunction with microneedling. Platelet-rich plasma is used in addition to microneedling to create more fine injury for strengthening collagen.
Microneedling is a skincare procedure involving “superficial and controlled puncturing of the skin by rolling with miniature fine needles” (NCBI). According to Bellous Medical, the creator of our preferred microneedling device SkinPen, microneedling causes “controlled micro-injuries that stimulate your body’s natural wound healing process, while minimizing cellular damage. The result is effective remodeling of scar tissue, while keeping the overall structure of the skin intact.”
Dr. S currently does not offer stem cell services but will once the quality of standard is better established.
Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a variety of illnesses and conditions. Stem cells are controversial as many clinics allegedly source their stem cells from labs that do not supply viable products.
SkinPen and Derma-pen are both microneedling devices.
Dr. S uses SkinPen. Here’s why:
At the time of this writing (June 2019) SkinPen is the first and ONLY microneedling device that is FDA-approved specifically for protection against cross-contamination.
There have been reports of contamination from other microneedling systems, meaning backsplash of blood and/or blood parts were getting into devices and being transferred to different patients. SkinPen is currently the only one that has been tested and proven to prevent cross-contamination.
There is also no scientific evidence anywhere backing the DermaPen, meaning they haven’t done any studies or tested in any way. If you go to the SkinPen website there is immense research and data, and all has been approved by the FDA.
FDA-approval aside, another reason Dr. S uses SkinPen is its needles are of surgical quality. When you look at other devices under a microscope, the needles are uneven. Jagged needles would create a less precise incision that would not heal as completely.
The second category of PRP treatments offered by Dr. S is Orthopedic PRP treatments.
These treatments are highly effective for chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. The number of treatments varies between individuals. Most people experience reduction of pain and symptoms within 1 to 5 treatments, and ongoing treatment can lead to total remission when used along with a healthy lifestyle.
PRP is just one type of prolotherapy (proliferation therapy). Prolotherapy is a nonsurgical treatment which stimulates targeted healing. It is known as nonsurgical ligament and tendon reconstruction or regenerative injection therapy. This treatment works by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms to repair injured musculoskeletal tissues.
Each therapy may be used alone or in combination when appropriate. Proper screening of patients to see if they are a good candidate is essential, and we often start with the less expensive less specific prolotherapy treatments such as dextrose and ozone prolotherapy.
The 3rd and final category of PRP treatments offered by Dr. S is for Sexual Health. Sexual health PRP treatments work for any gender and can improve sexual health, performance, discomfort, appearance, and even treat reproductive organ diseases and dysfunction.
The procedure for injection begins the same with the preparation of PRP as above.
Age, childbirth, and menopause can decrease sensitivity and sexual confidence. Enhance your sexual life with our female sexual wellness injection for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation. Patients report the following benefits:
The female sexual wellness injection is a natural, non-invasive and effective treatment that rejuvenates vaginal and clitoral function, drastically improving sensitivity for optimal sexual response.
PRP leads to new cellular and vascular growth of tissues in the area. The tissues of the bladder base and the urethral sphincter muscles can also be strengthened. This is because the tissue planes under the upper vaginal wall allow for free flow of the PRP around the urethra and around the base of the bladder.
The female sexual wellness injection also helps decrease urinary incontinence and increases natural lubrication.
This in-office procedure uses platelet-rich plasma from your own blood and is then re-injected into the clitoris and upper vagina.
The procedure for injection begins the same with the preparation of PRP as above.
Any female over 21 who experiences urinary incontinence or decreased sensitivity during intercourse.
There are no adverse reactions since this procedure uses your own blood.
Immediately following the procedure, the most commonly reported temporary side effects are:
Cold gel packs/ice may be gently applied immediately after treatment to reduce swelling.
We hope this has been a helpful overview of PRP treatment benefits.
If you’re interested in including PRP treatments in your quest for better health, whether that be for skincare, orthopedic, or sexual concerns, please download our free reference e-book, Everything You Need to Know About Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: Regenerate Your Cells Where YOU Need It Most!
If you’re in the Glendale, California, area and wish to book a consultation with Dr. S, please contact us here.
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